Lydia Eve

A space for lyrics, poetry, and reflections on Childhood in Him

All the Ways (Nobody Knows)

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The first line of this song is one of the truest things I’ve ever written.

I really wish I didn’t care so much about tiny details, especially when it comes to faith. I’ve noticed that in my own home and community, I often feel to relaxed about rules, but wherever I venture out, I am struck by my rigidness. It is disorienting.

As I explore different communities and churches in particular, I am trying to hold fast to convictions without being unreasonable or hard hearted, realizing that God’s grace moves in ways we will never comprehend–nobody can know all the ways He is working. He loves all His people and all the beautiful expressions of love we offer to Him. He is a generous and joyous Papa and I strive to be the same.

I wish I didn't care so much
I wish I could let the little things pass by
But I got my eye on you

I wish I wouldn't sway so far
Too soft at home, but when I depart
My heart is a bitter critic
If I don't watch it I'll miss it

All the ways you are to me
Won't be contained, a masterpiece
You won't be photographed
You can't be filtered in black and white

There's a place I draw the line in the sand
But you'll be who you are and I'll be who I am
Understand we're both made in the image

I fight hard overquestioning
Play my part, but am I able to bring
My hurting to the sword
and the blood that it poured

All the ways you are to me
Won't be contained, a masterpiece
You won't be photographed
You can't be filtered in black and white

So why do I try
You've got sheep not of this fold
(nobody knows, nobody knows)
I will go where you go
So keep my heart close (nobody knows)

Nobody knows all the ways you are to me
Won't be contained, a masterpiece
You won't be photographed
You can't be filtered in black and white

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