Lydia Eve

A space for lyrics, poetry, and reflections on Childhood in Him

The Invitation

Listen here

Tell me, darling, what takes up
What takes up the most space in your soul?
Tell me, child, where do you feel crowded?
I’ll come and take any load

Tell me, dear, in what water you’re drowning
Tell me where you’ve lost hope
Tell me where and I’ll come
Because I’ve been there before so you don’t need to go

Tell me, where do you want me to heal you?
Tell me where you’re in need
All I ask is a heart that is open
unhidden humility

Will you answer my invitation?
I can be your best friend
All I want is a joy that will last
Through your trails and never end

I see you laugh
I see you cry
When you heart is broken
So is mine
I want the best for you
Do you believe me?
I’m here to carry you
If you’ll let me

One response to “The Invitation”

  1. jvanauken93a77ac4a1 Avatar

    Thank you for this, Lydia. I passed it


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